Kingwisoft Tech takes our responsibility with honour to ensure the way in operating the business, and to maintain the highest possible ESG standards not only in our own business, but also across the supply chains. Kingwisoft Tech complies with all current Hong Kong Stock Exchange requirements and is preparing for full disclosure on all ESG policies and practices. We will report our policies and practices covering:

Emissions, Use of resources, The environment and natural resources

Employment, Health and Safety, Development and Training, Labour Standards, Supply Chain Management, Anti-Corruption, Community Investment

Corporate Governance
The board of Kingwisoft Tech is comprised of a highly experienced executive management team as well as a strong group of internationally-experienced Independent Non-Executive Directors. The executive and non-executive members of the board draw on decades of international experience to ensure that Kingwisoft Tech follows best practice in all matters of corporate governance. The Company has fully complied with the code provisions of the Corporate Governance Code as set out in Appendix 15 of the GEM Listing Rules.